Today, we were welcomed with greetings in all of the languages we learned about during our class. Take a look.
Then we were ready to listen, support, respect, and connect with our classmates as we thought about why all of the Burlington community places we visited were special. Ms. Wells helped students communicate their examples about why the park was special.
Students worked in small groups to discuss and document their evidence as to each of the six locations we visited were special. These locations were the library, the museum, the robotics club, school, the farmhouse, and the park.
Next, we made a class video to explain why our Burlington Community is special. Enjoy.
Here are our students' electronic books they created to state an opinion, using evidence as to why a Burlington community place is special. They used their iPads and the app, Book Creator. Click on each student's video below to view their book.
Adwika's Book
Amelia's Book
Ankitha's Book
Anvita's Book
Arnav's Book
Ekamveer's Book
Erik's Book
Fahim's Book
Fawzan's Book
Ibrah's Book
Jay's Book
Kayena's Book
Krishna's Book
Neeraj's Book
Rida's Book
Rini's Book
Saketh's Book
Samuel's Book
Sasha's Book
Valeria's Book