July 20, 2017

Our Last Day

Today, we were welcomed with greetings in all of the languages we learned about during our class.  Take a look.

Then we were ready to listen, support, respect, and connect with our classmates as we thought about why all of the Burlington community places we visited were special. Ms. Wells helped students communicate their examples about why the park was special.

Students worked in small groups to discuss and document their evidence as to each of the six locations we visited were special. These locations were the library, the museum, the robotics club, school, the farmhouse, and the park.

Next, we made a class video to explain why our Burlington Community is special.  Enjoy.

Here are our students' electronic books they created to state an opinion, using evidence as to why a Burlington community place is special.  They used their iPads and the app, Book Creator.  Click on each student's video below to view their book.

Adwika's Book

Amelia's Book

Ankitha's Book

Anvita's Book

Arnav's Book

Ekamveer's Book

Erik's Book

Fahim's Book

Fawzan's Book

Ibrah's Book

Jay's Book

Kayena's Book

Krishna's Book

Neeraj's Book

Rida's Book

Rini's Book

Saketh's Book

Samuel's Book

Sasha's Book

Valeria's Book

We had so much fun making friends and learning about why our Burlington community is special.

Thank you to our families and friends who visited us on our last day!

July 19, 2017

Our Seventh Day

நல்வரவு- Vanakamm  

Sasha and Ms. Tiwari showed us how to say welcome in Tamil!

Anvita helped us find the picture of the old farmhouse that is another special place in Burlington.

Ms. Wells helped us read about a farmhouse and Samuel helped us understand our "Essential Sentence".

We visited Grand View Farm to learn why it is a special place in our Burlington community.

Saketh, Jay and Arnav enjoyed their last ride on the bus back to school. 

Thank you to Mr. Joe for driving us and to the Burlington Public Transit for helping us travel to all of our special places!

A BIG thank you to Mrs. Horton and Mr. Coppola for teaching us why Grand View Farm is a special place in our Burlington community!

Tomorrow is our LAST day together! We invite you to join us in our classroom at 12:30 to see all of our work. If you cannot attend, we will share our special video on this blog!